Making a will give you the confidence of knowing your loved ones will be looked after when you are no longer around.

What will happen to my property after I die?

If you have a will, your property will go where you direct it. If you die without making a will, the result will be uncertain. There is a statutory formula that must be followed. The result may not be what you expect. The best way to achieve certainty is by making a will.

How do I make a will?

Call us and discuss your options. We will make suggestions based on your current situation and your wishes.

Wills and Estate Planning, what is it?

Making plans for your assets after you die is called estate planning. An essential step in estate planning is making a will. There are other things that you can do to safeguard your assets after you die and make sure they go where you want them to. This may involve setting up a trust. We handle all aspects of estate planning. Call us to discuss what is right for you.

Estates and Probate

After a person dies, the executor named in their will normally applies for a grant of probate. The grant of probate is a court order authorizing a person to deal with the assets of the deceased. This is usually the person named as the executor in the will of the deceased. If your spouse, friend or relative died without leaving a will you may be appointed the administrator of the estate, but the procedure is different.

I have been left out of a will. What should I do?

Wills can sometimes be challenged if you have been left out. Particularly if you are a husband, wife, child or lived with someone, you may be able to challenge a will if you have been left out. The time frames for challenging a will are short, so it is important that seek legal advice as soon as possible.

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